Category Archives: Steampunk

Best & Worst Books I Read in 2011


So, this is the time of year everyone posts their best & worst lists together. I decided to get in on that. After the jump, you can find my list. Each item has a link to my explanation for why it’s here. Enjoy!
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Review: Parasol Protectorate (Books 1-4) by Gail Carriger


The Parasol Protectorate by Gail Carriger is a delightful intertwining of the Regency/Victorian romance and werewolf/vampire romps. It does not take itself seriously and has a pack, pun fully intended, of amusing characters. After the jump you’ll find reviews of the first 4 books. The 5th is scheduled for publication in March 2012.

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Dearly, I Wish You’d Departed Already…


Dearly, Departed Photobucket

What we have here is a story set in the not-too-distant future. The world has gone to hell, the polar ice caps are spreading out and leaving a small ring of habitable land around the equator. The former nations of the world have crumbled, giving rise to a bunch of new tribes/countries/etc.

One of these newly minted nations was begun by the remnants of what was once the good old US of A. And these former Americans, wanting a return to a more civilized era, decide to reach into the past for a time period that would allow them to relive some of their former glory. And the era they decide on is… Victorian.


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Review: The Voyage of the Minotaur by Wesley Allison



The Voyage of the Minotaur by Wesley Allison is the steampunk version of Imperial colonization. The Dechantagne siblings – Iolanthe, Terrance, and Augie – are nobles who live in Mallontah (a country similar to colonial England). They – Iolanthe – have used all of their family’s influence and sunk their family’s fortune into a venture to colonize a newly discovered continent, Birmisia. This book covers the settlers’ voyage, landing, founding, and first interactions with Birmisia’s natives – intelligent two-legged lizard-men that the Dechantagnes’ want to use as labor and dinosaurs.

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