Author Archives: Chris (TexasReaver)

Review: Black Sun Rising by C.S. Friedman


Black Sun Rising

There were some good elements of story here, and some good world concepts. However, the execution leaves a lot to be desired. The prose is choppy, full of adverbs and redundancies. If I had to hear “he smiled grimly” one more time, I was prepared to gouge out my eardrums (I listened to the audio, obviously).

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Review: Perdido Street Station by China Miéville


Perdido Street Station (New Crobuzon, #1) Photobucket

Well then. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that weak, unfulfilling ending. Why, the entire book was pretty weak and unfulfilling, so why did I hope for otherwise? Simple. I needed hope. Hope that there was a purpose behind all the awards and praise heaping I’ve seen given to this book. Surely there would be a payoff for enduring 600 pages of pretentious nonsense. But alas, I was wrong.

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